Saturday, September 30, 2006

I'm so excited!!

Well, as many of you know, a while back (about 6 months) I went to visit my best friend Kimberly (Kimberly Casanova) in VA! We met on SL and have been best buds ever since. Well, the time has come yet again, where we need our seeing each other fix, so we decided it was her turn to come visit me in FL! I can't wait, we just booked her ticket, it is official, and yay! I couldn't be more excited!

Now I am telling you all this, not only because I am HAPPY about it, but because our sale has been extended, I was planning to end it this weekend with no warning, but now that both Kim and I will need more spending money for her trip, I am going to extend it a little while!

Ok, just so we're clear, this isn't a "pity me, gimme all your money, I am so broke, omg help" kind of thing, but if you have been wanting to go grab some of our things, but just haven't had the chance, go now, take advantage of our sale, and help us earn some money, so I can show Kim a good time. I am only 20 for goodness sake, I can't take her to bars, or strip clubs, WE NEED SOMETHING TO DO!

Anyway, I must be off, I am working on a new release, a little hint? Well okay! More leggings, in loads of prints. Maybe ;) you're gonna have to wait and see!


Just kidding <3

No really, go.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

And the stealing continues! My turn!

Well let me start out by saying, this sucks!

Kim and I were sitting around, chatting, I was building, she was
standing there looking pretty, when she remembered something she had heard a week or so before. I wasn't around much at that time, so she forgot, and thought nothing of it. She remembered today though, and brought it to my attention, and well, this is what she showed me:
(They are standing in my main store in Naedam, while Kim is quietly sitting on the roof)

Mercedes Marquez:
i love the doorways
Mercedes Marquez: i love the walls
Mercedes Marquez: i love the lights
Kai Saito: have you got textures like these
Mercedes Marquez: i like these change rooms
Kai Saito: do you have the space
Kai Saito: ur store is the width of this back part
Mercedes Marquez: 3 boards across
Mercedes Marquez: so yea a little more
Mercedes Marquez: than this back space
Mercedes Marquez: maybe the guy will give me his piece of land
Kai Saito: the front is pretty big i guess
Kai Saito: couldmake that smaller
Mercedes Marquez:
i want this store
Kai Saito: you have a bigger piece on the other side of the sim
Mercedes Marquez:
not gunna be happy til i have it
Mercedes Marquez: its just long
Mercedes Marquez: its not wide at all
Kai Saito: well...ughh...why oh why you never took ...nvm
Mercedes Marquez: lol
Kai Saito: lets buy a sim :O
Kai Saito: ok
Kai Saito: umm
Mercedes Marquez: ok wait
Mercedes Marquez: hiro has 8192m available in Vanuatu
Mercedes Marquez: i think thats how much land i have
Kai Saito: but..i don;t want you to move :/
Mercedes Marquez: all together
Kai Saito: but..i guess if you have to
Mercedes Marquez: well i like my spot
Kai Saito: is the owner of penis chairs online
Mercedes Marquez: but if that asshole doesn't take his penis chairs and move the fuck out i hate that rectangle
Mercedes Marquez: i don't know his name
Mercedes Marquez: lets go
Kai Saito: lets look

I was shocked, I didn't know what to think, what to do, or what to say. So I decided to go check out her store to see what it looked like, to see what her style was so that if anything were to start looking like mine, I would know what it looked like prior to that. Well, lo and behold, she had already gotten busy and there it was a (not so pretty) replica of my store! No, not similarities, not coincidences, she blatantly copied my store.

Yes, I know it looks like shit, yes I know mine pwnz hers, I know all this, but that is not the point. Yes, people use ideas from things they like, I too have done so, but this girl went out of her way to copy, pretty much the exact floor plan of my shop.

Anyway, I took the liberty of taking some pictures. Take a look for yourself:

On further investigation, we concluded that Kai Saito was actually the creator of the build, and was also online, so my partner in crime decided she would chat with him, and well, that was found to be quite uneventful:
[9:56] Kimberly Casanova: Hi : )
[9:57] Kimberly Casanova: Fantastic job on Mercedes store. Where OH where did you get the great idea?
[9:59] Kimberly Casanova: When she said quote "I want this store" " not gunna be happy til i have it" I didn't actually think you guys would stoop that low as to copy our main store. ;-)
[10:01] Kai Saito: i was asked to make a store, so we made one
[10:01] Kimberly Casanova: Oh, right. You got asked to make A store, no idea she wanted to copy ours, eh?
[10:02] Kai Saito: is there a problem here ?
[10:02] Kimberly Casanova: Sure is.
[10:03] Kimberly Casanova: When someone asks you to copy a store without the original owners knowing about it, you DON'T do it.
[10:03] Kai Saito: wait..your mistaking me for soemone who gives a
[10:03] Kimberly Casanova: I've got full blown logs of your two talking about remaking it.
[10:04] Kai Saito: we never copied anything, we made a store..whats ur point
[10:04] Kimberly Casanova: Yeah, I already noticed.
[10:04] Kimberly Casanova: Bullshit. :-)
[10:04] Kimberly Casanova: Would you like the logs?
[10:04] Kai Saito: have a good day..bye
[10:04] Kimberly Casanova: Exactly. You don't have anything to say because you know what you've did.
[10:05] Kai Saito: listening to conversations without peoples knowlegde ?
[10:05] Kai Saito: ok thx for telling me that
[10:05] Kimberly Casanova: Ooh. You're a smart one. *Clap*
[10:06] Kai Saito: reported..have a good day..goodbye
[10:07] Kimberly Casanova: Ooh. Reporting me? I don't really care, I've done nothing wrong here, and if you think you're gonna get away with this, then you thought wrong. We're already getting this investigated. I have logs of you guys and everything.
[10:07] Kimberly Casanova: If by doing this you wanted your name to get out there, trust me, it will be.
[10:09] Kai Saito: if mercedes asked you to use an idea, and you said yes..then where is does your problem lay ?
[10:09] Kai Saito: and is it a clone, i mean an exact clone ?
[10:10] Kimberly Casanova: Mercedes didn't ask us though, sweets. If she asked, that would of been a little different but for you guys to go behind our backs and copy.
[10:10] Kimberly Casanova: It's not an exact clone, but we have logs of you guys talking about copying it, I mean come on.
[10:10] Kimberly Casanova: The lights
[10:10] Kimberly Casanova: The sitting areas
[10:11] Kimberly Casanova: The window displays in the front
[10:11] Kimberly Casanova: The wrap around with the dressing rooms
[10:11] Kai Saito: listen talk to mercedes, i made it with her, its what she wanted, we never intentionally wanted to rip anyones store off, she wanted it because she liked the idea, is it really too similar ?
[10:11] Kimberly Casanova: The overall shape
[10:11] Kai Saito: but come on, thats normal store stuff
[10:11] Kimberly Casanova: No
[10:11] Kimberly Casanova: No, it's not.
[10:11] Kai Saito: ppl get ideas from other ppl all the time
[10:12] Kimberly Casanova: Sammy wanted something different when she made that store, she got ideas from stores where she lived.
[10:12] Kimberly Casanova: IDEAS, yes. They don't full blown try to copy the store
[10:12] Kai Saito: its not a full blown copy, and you know it
[10:13] Kai Saito: this has 2 floors, its diff inside
Now you tell me, please if I am wrong, if I am seeing things, if I need my eyes checked, because from where I stand, this is a full blown copy. If you want to check it out for yourself the coordinates are (Nirvana 204, 212, 26) or you can just check Mercedes Marquez's picks. I am really bummed, and I suggest if you want to keep your ideas safe, you ban both of these individuals from your land.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Yes you heard it! Kimberly and I are having our big 50-60% off sale!

It all started when we decided to rebuild our Zazi shop, and figured why not attract people by having a big ol' sale! It looks great and we want to show off the baby sister of our main store (in Naedam). Also we now carry all of our items in Zazi so, we thought why not kick it off with a bang!

So starting tonight at 3pm slt (6pm est) we will be having some major mark downs, some getting as low as 70% off! Our deals include our old and NEW items, EVERYTHING is marked down, and I mean everything!

Now with stuff going on in both of our real lives we don't know how long we will be keeping this sale going, it could be a week, it could be a month, hey it could even end tomorrow, so please if you feel like you might want to come stock up on Kim and my designs, do it! Don't wait, because the sale could go just as soon as it got here!

As mentioned this sale will be in two locations this time around, Naedam our main store, and Zazi (if you have not seen the new build I suggest you go there and check it out!)
Please keep in mind, I am still sitting here typing this at 5:51 est, meaning I only have 9 minuets to go to both my locations and lower prices, so please if you see me there working, or if you notice the prices are not yet lowered, gimme a few! Same goes for Kimberly!

Kim's new goodies, and some remakes!

Hey folks, I didn't have a chance to blog Kim's new hair last week, so I will do a little blurb about it now, but I am really posting this because Kim has redone two pairs of her beloved shoes! First things first though. The hair!

First up we have Maggie, Maggie is a long braided pigtail look, with the ever popular straight bangs, it has four hair ties and they are both scripted with up to 30 some odd textures! This is my all around favorite of Kim's hair right now!
Next we have something a little different, but still a great look, Spunky, Spunky is a more funky high pigtail, with hair pushed and pulled up in different spots, this style also comes with texture changing hair bands!
Last, but surely not least, we have my second favorite style. These piggies make you feel young and cute, hence the name, Cindy! Cindy comes again with texture changing hair ties and straight bangs, a popular style these days.
Now for the main reason for this blog, Kim has been working hard the past few days, not only on a surprise with me (Which will be blogged about next) but on redoing some of her most popular shoes.

First up we have her ever popular Mistress', named after Mistress Midnight of course. Now Kim made these a long time ago
pre Mistress' request, and they came out great! But as we all do, Kim got tired of the look of the old ones, but still loved the style, so she decided to revamp them, and she did a great job!

Not only do they shape the foot much better, but the details have been perfected. You will notice the heel is quite different along with the straps, the chain detailing as well as the heart.
But if you're not into all the
bling then get this! In the new set Kim decided to toss in a plain pair (No chain or heart) as well as a pair with a golden heart.

One last detail that cannot go unsaid! In Kim's previous pair, you only had the option of about 4 colors, which is fine and dandy but we all know that no girl can only live with four colors in her wardrobe! So the new ones are scripted with up to 30 diff rent colors!

Last but not least, Kim has also redone her
Lurvables. The new and improved heels curve much better to your foot, are also freshened up with a great new heel, but the most impressive part is the new bow done flawlessly! The shoes themselves are done in her ever popular 30 flavors but that's not all because now her bow is done as well in 30 different polka dot textures!

These will both be out in just a matter of minutes, so keep your eyes on my blog for A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT following this one!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Pick up the pace Camie

It's been slow. I've been slow. I feel like lately my whole world has come to a complete stop, I don't wake up and want to get up anymore. I've just let myself become lazy and I don't like that feeling.

Second Life, my home away from home, the last thing I really have keeping me going sometimes. That too though has become somewhere I don't want to be for long periods of time like I used to. The reason for second life becoming a bore for me could be due to the fact that most of my friends are all back in school now, so for the most part I am either alone or with Kim, but as you have all noticed she has been busy making hair and such, so really it's just me.

I've been trying to get through this idea for a skirt/shorts but it's taking me way longer then it should, and I am not getting excited about it like I usually do when making something. I just sit there, with PS open and tweak little things about it rather than moving on to the next part, and GRR I want to finish it.

See back when I was first designing, I just made stuff when I wanted, no one influenced when I would start a project, and no one influenced when the project should be done. Well now my friends, it's a different story. See... I have a group of loyal customers, when they notice I came out with something new, within the first three days of it being out, they usually come and buy it. Then things slow down, yes I make random sales all the time, and I will get that one customer every now and then that has either never been to my shop, or hasn't been in a while, and will buy me out but meh. No I am not complaining that I am not making enough sales, cause I am happy with that, what I am getting at is how I feel my customers deserve better.

I sit here, and look at the date, and see more and more days passing since my last release and I feel kinda sickened. I get IM's from people, telling me to get busy, asking me when they should expect something, and I love it, I love love love that people care enough about me and or my product to go out of their way and ask when they should expect something new, it gives me the most wonderful feeling. I can't explain it. That then of course fuels my fire, and I get back on track, and try and give them what they want.

That now brings me back to my point. Right now I am uninspired, and it pisses me off cause' I want to work so badly, I want to be busy, I want to make new things for my customers, I want to keep people happy, and I too would like to feel better about this all. I guess maybe it's the fact that Second Life is no longer safe in my eyes, it is no longer a happy place to be, and even though there is a big group of people that I love and that love me and or my work, the bad people seem to be a little overwhelming at times. I am just a wreck.

Sorry for all this venting but it needed to be said. Like I said somewhere in my ranting, I am working on something new. I was going to take a picture but of course I got up just as SL went down, so my teaser will just be in words this time. Skirt, denim, belt, prim. I dunno, these all might change once I get into my final stages. So I guess, keep your eyes open.

Love you all

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Kimberly's new goodies!

As I am sure you have all seen my partner in crime, Kimberly Casanova has released two new hair styles this weekend. I can't tell you how proud I am of her, I love them both so much.

Okay, so I made some hair textures quite a while ago, not really because I wanted to make hair (I kinda suck) but because I had so much hair that I liked to mix and match! A lot of times though they had different designers, so in order to make them look the same, I tossed my textures on them. So one day, Kim comes up to me, and asks if she can have them, so she could try her hand at the whole hair thing, I gladly gave them to her and she got busy! She popped out her first set of classy buns in no time and I knew at that point that we would randomly be blessed with her yummy hair goodness!

Now, back on track we go. Kim evidently got tired of making shoes for the time being, so she started fiddling with hair again, and my my, she did a great job. Not only do her new styles come with texture changing hair accessories, she took my hair textures and made about 9 brand new colors! What a gal!

I'm not going to tell you much about them because you can read that in Kim's own words in he
r post (link at the bottom) but I am going to say, these two styles are in not only in SL but very popular in the real world as well, and if we have any trend setters out there, I suggest you go grab these asap! They're priced well, you are given many color options, and the quality is impeccable!

Friday, September 08, 2006

There you have it. Another blog!

Okay, so I have decided to start a blog. It will be for a few things, so I decided to use my first post to let everyone know what to expect from Camie Coopers blog!

Here it goes:
  • First. This will be where I go to vent, I will mainly vent about my Second Life, but if real life gets too hard for me, I will most likely come runin' here for whatever support I can find!
  • Second. I will probably post my new products here, but more importantly, I will post previews of things before they come out. Sometimes I make something and won't put it out right away for any given reason, so I'll be posting some sneak peaks here!!
  • Third. Any kind of updates Kimberly has, I will most likely post, and if she wants to let me give you all a sneak peak, I will!!
  • Fourth. If It's All Good and KDC have any announcements, any specials, any news, any sales, anything we might want to let you know about, you will be able to find that here first!
  • Fifth. I'll probably do some sort of weekly favorites post, basically sharing my favorite new things for the week.
  • Sixth. DRAMA!
I think that about covers it for the time being. If anyone has any ideas on other topics you would like to see, please let me know!

Good night my loves! <3