Thursday, September 21, 2006


Yes you heard it! Kimberly and I are having our big 50-60% off sale!

It all started when we decided to rebuild our Zazi shop, and figured why not attract people by having a big ol' sale! It looks great and we want to show off the baby sister of our main store (in Naedam). Also we now carry all of our items in Zazi so, we thought why not kick it off with a bang!

So starting tonight at 3pm slt (6pm est) we will be having some major mark downs, some getting as low as 70% off! Our deals include our old and NEW items, EVERYTHING is marked down, and I mean everything!

Now with stuff going on in both of our real lives we don't know how long we will be keeping this sale going, it could be a week, it could be a month, hey it could even end tomorrow, so please if you feel like you might want to come stock up on Kim and my designs, do it! Don't wait, because the sale could go just as soon as it got here!

As mentioned this sale will be in two locations this time around, Naedam our main store, and Zazi (if you have not seen the new build I suggest you go there and check it out!)
Please keep in mind, I am still sitting here typing this at 5:51 est, meaning I only have 9 minuets to go to both my locations and lower prices, so please if you see me there working, or if you notice the prices are not yet lowered, gimme a few! Same goes for Kimberly!

1 comment:

violet~! said...

Please keep it up for ... ... I dunno ... a bit. I have no money right now and stuff just keeps coming up and and and AH sadness :(