Monday, March 19, 2007


Bleh, I am so bummed.

So last night I was planning on finishing up and releasing some new stuff, but now that doesn't look like it's gonna happen right away. My computer is kinda, sorta, busted. Here's what happened. I had SL running then I went away for a few hours and came back to a black screen that told me to reboot properly or something, so I turned off the PC and turned it back on and now inside my computer there is a low ticking sound, and it gets louder and a little more frequent as I ask the computer to do something (like log into windows) It sounds like it is trying really hard to do what I tell it, but it doesn't really succeed. I have to click things 2345 times for it to register that I am clicking it, and even then things won't work.

This really sucks seeing as I just spent 200 bucks on 2 gigs of RAM the other day so that SL would run more smooth. I don't know what I am gonna do, I guess my only option is to take it to get repaired, but god knows how much that will cost me, or if it's even something that can be fixed. So I am sorry but my update may take longer than expected.

I do have a mac lap top so I will be around if anyone has any ideas as to what might be happening.


Antonia Marat said...


Anonymous said...

You might just need a new power source? I know I had to upgrade mine when I added might try going to the main site for your pc and searching their forums?

Anonymous said...

Its probably the hard drive. But you can try backing up your info and reinstalling. But, probably your hard drive.