Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I'm back! I think?

Well the past few weeks have been a bit, hmm what's the word I'm looking for? Busy? I don't know. First I needed a tiny break from SL, so Kim and decided to play some TSO, then that kinda fizzled, then Kim got here for her week long visit, which was great, and of course left no time for SLing. So now that Kim is gone :( I am bored, sad, and lonely, all the perfect reasons for me to jump right back into second life.

Okay, me coming back will entail a couple things. FINALLY after what seems like forever Kim and I will be taking our never ending sale down, it lasted much longer than we expected it to, but hey who's complaining? Also, if I can get off my lazy ass I will be releasing a few things that have been sitting in my inventory for way too long.

So, all in all, if you have been putting it off, which I doubt you have, go to the final days of the sale, I will be conversing with Kim and the sale will end sometime before the weekend, and that's final. Also, in a few days I will get into SL and put a few new things out, so keep your eyes open for that as well.

I think that's about it for now.

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